Makassar Online Fish Stalls is a software or digital platform specifically designed to assist the public in ordering and purchasing fish. This application can be used by consumers to manage, monitor and place orders related to sea fish such as at the Fish Auction Place. The application has features such as:- User Registration and Profile, This application has a registration and profile creation feature for each user, including information such as name, address, telephone number.- Fish Catalog, the application has a complete fish catalog with pictures, descriptions and prices to make it easier for customers to choose the fish they want.- Stock Management, This feature allows the admin to monitor and manage fish stocks including stock updates, adding new products, and removing products that are no longer available.- Ordering and Payment, customers can order fish through the application and make payments by cash or bank transfer- Delivery Scheduling, Couriers can plan the delivery of fish to various locations or customers.- Reports and Analytics, available sales reports, sales analysis, and other useful information for more efficient reporting of fish.- Customer Management, This feature allows customers to create accounts, follow order status, and track their purchase history.- Logistics Integration, This application can connect with delivery services to arrange the delivery of fish to customers efficiently.Fish sales applications can help facilitate fish business processes from various sides, from stock management to delivery. It can also increase the visibility of the fish business in the digital world, making it easier to reach and serve new customers. In addition, this kind of application can also help in managing the fish supply chain and reduce waste and loss of stock.